Setting MacOS Wallpaper using JumpCloud

Im writing this as a working draft. I followed this JumpCloud Guide; however, it no longer seems to work. Particularly on macOS Big Sur.

The way I made it happen was using JumpCloud MDM Profiles and iMazing Profile Editor to generate the profile.

I had to send the wallpaper file using a command and then move it to a place thats not /tmp/ so it didnt get removed.

mv /tmp/wallpaper.jpg /Users/shared/wallpaper.jpg

Then in the iMazing profile editor I had to set the location (the screenshot was an earlier screenie) I then uploaded this as a custom MDM policy inside JumpCloud, applied it to a group of devices and that was that!

As usual, test on a device first and I take no responsibility for anything it does or doesnt do to your systems.

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